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Salad Days Magazine | March 16, 2025

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Volcom Stone’s VQS Seacow Surf Series – Sebastian Inlet, Florida

Volcom Stone’s VQS Seacow Surf Series – Sebastian Inlet, Florida

Good waves, beautiful weather, perfect tides, great pizza, 170 girls and guys, $2000 dollars in one dollar bills to the Pro-Am winner and celebrity John Walsh? This was a perfect recipe for a perfect day at the 2010 Seacow Surf Series. Thanks to all who attended, the captions, photos and video will tell the story of the days events. Enjoy!

Gorkin took to first peak like a scientist searching for a cure. At the end of the day he took $2000.00 in one dollar bills to an unspecified location and is now searching for a headache remedy.

Nils seen here launching to victory in his semi final heat. With 170 competitors and only a limited amount of light we ran 10 min top one wave heats. Safe to say this one put him through to the Finals.

As always, the Groms ran the show. They were racing to eat sardines. Fun right?

Gorkin told Nathan Colburn he’d give em 20 bucks to go stick something sick in his heat. Colburn delivered the Electric Volt Thrower Move of the day and earned $100 from Electric Visual and that 20 spot from Gorkin. You couldn’t wipe the smile off his face all day.

Respect. David Spier sat at first Peak all day and showed why he will always be Inlet royalty. Third Place in the Pro-Am Division against the kids? That’s Radical.


1. Aaron Cormican – $2000.00
2. Ryan Briggs
3. David Spier
4. Cody Thompson
5. Cole Richards
6. Nils Schweizer

1. Tanner Stromenger – $250.00 Muscle Milk
2. Nathan Behl
3. Corey Howell
4. Nolan Tyler
5. Austen Clouse
6. Cam Richards


1 Tristan Thompson
2. Luke Marks
3. Daniel Glenn
4. Giorgio Gomez
5. Fisher Grant
6. Logan Hayes


1. Jarik Farik
2. Micah Cantor
3. Brayen Bright
4. Tommy Coleman
5. Gavin Weathers
6. Christian Daniels

1. Amy Nicol
2. Jasset Umbel
3. Elle Klein
4. Rossi Klein
5. Emily Ruppert
6. Jasmine Dean

Electric Volt Thrower
1. Nathan Colbourn – $100.00

We loved the Squids division and so did the Girls Finalist.

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