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Salad Days Magazine | March 9, 2025

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Reva DeVito & Roane Namuh ‘Cloudshine’ project

Reva DeVito & Roane Namuh ‘Cloudshine’ project

Oddly the first thing a majority of people ask is, “What is that vocal sample used in the track ‘Frozen’?” Maybe it’s because this generation doesn’t know Digable Planets (which is sad) and maybe you don’t either (which would be even more sad), but that’s neither here nor there (it’s from ‘Rebirth of Slick’). The purpose of this email is to send you a link to the Reva DeVito & Roane Namuh space-boogie/funk/soul/jazz/hip-hop/r&b/disco (and any other keywords you want to add) project titled ‘Cloudshine’ and a link to their music video for ‘Frozen’ which features a snippet of Digable Planets and a story about capturing good moments with friends. Filmed in Portland, Oregon – which is from where the duo hails – it obviously features a few hipsters and hip kids. We think you’ll enjoy the eye candy.
Reva DeVito is D’Angelo & Janis Joplin having sex at a DJ Krush concert. She is the singer/sex kitten. Roane Namuh looks like an Amish farmer who somehow got a copy of an NWA and/or Digable Planets cassette and it changed his life. He is the producer/sex panther. Don’t believe me? See and hear for yourself!

Stream/DL ‘Cloudshine’


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