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Salad Days Magazine | March 14, 2025

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Resignation’s cover of ‘Back And To The Left’ (Texas Is The Reason) hits streaming

Resignation’s cover of ‘Back And To The Left’ (Texas Is The Reason) hits streaming
Salad Days

Toledo, Ohio’s Resignation shared their faithful cover of Texas Is The Reason’s ‘Back And To The Left’.

Texas Is The Reason is a foundational band for us” vocalist Wes Allen says. “Like a lot of bands in our respective world, their music is a blueprint. So, recording this cover and being able to include our friends from Sparing, involve J. [Robbins] and Dan [Coutant}, and help to draw attention to an incredible organization like Hope For The Day was a perfect way to pull it all together.” For those who may not recall, there was a time when the Midwest seethed like the sea, fields and farmland, widespread and curling, cities ringing dark, hollow and deep. Under the shadow of the Great Lakes, haunted by the ghosts of industry, the young made music because there was often nothing else to do, packing into small town basements and howling along with each another in VFW halls. Hüsker Dü’s punk roared out of Minnesota, wresting alternative melody away from the radio, and Squirrel Bait’s Louisville energy found new translation in the emotional desperation and guitar-driven heaviness of bands like Falling Forward and Endpoint. Indianapolis gave us Split Lip, eventually becoming Chamberlain, fusing hardcore’s political passion with emo’s honesty and the kind of rust belt stories echoed in Americana’s weary bellow. The echoes of this musical ethic pealed back from as far away as Canada, the West coast, and the swelter of the South, with bands like Shoulder, Grade, Samiam, Fairweather and Hot Water Music all throwing their songs into the wind.

Raising a grateful glass to this heritage, Toledo, Ohio’s Resignation deliver an earnest post-hardcore approach that insists that their audience wrestle with empathy, recognizing shared mental health struggles and the deep need for community. It’s a strange thing to be human and alive in this dystopian timeline, and Resignation resolutely offers us gasoline, and a sometimes sputtering torch, the promised light of which can kindle a hope for something more.

Catch the band live here:
August 11-Columbus, Ohio, Double Happiness
August 19-Toledo, Ohio, Ottawa Tavern

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