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Salad Days Magazine | March 13, 2025

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Rakel Mjoll and Gabby Maiden @ Iceland Airwaves ’11

The day has finally come… Not only for my first performance at Iceland Airwaves, but its also the first time im performing my own music in front of a crowd EVER! Nothing can describe the excitement im feeling and the absolute terror at the same time. That’s how it goes with those pesky pre stage jitters. Once im on stage, pull out my ukulele, and sing
my first song, it’ll all go away :) My really good friend Rakel, who organized the whole thing of getting us a gig together at airwaves will be right by my side and help harmonize with me on a couple songs I made, and I’ll be harmonizing with her on some of her songs. I love when Rakel and I sing together! She’s an amazing singer in ‘Utidur’ a very well known 10 piece band from Iceland, and they’d performed at Airwaves many times. So im very happy to have a performing Veteran on stage with me!
It’s funny to think about me performing at Airwaves this year. Id usually just wander around town with my friends, bouncing from venue to venue, dancing, drinking, being merry and watching some AMAZING bands; Adding me performing into the mix, makes it so much more crazier, ha. Rehearsing, planning, sound checking… it’s really cool to see the
other side of this great festival I’ve attended these past two years. I have to say, I really enjoy the performing side of things. Since the festival started, I’ve been even more inspired while listening and watching these great bands play. I love it!
Its Friday 9:55 am, and our show starts at 6pm… I’ve been getting up early the past couple days and practicing as much as I can, so im well prepared for the gig. Its been going great, but as this morning goes on, my voice is kinda going away and getting deeper and deeper. Figures right? It’s finally the day of my show, and my voice is going away. Singing loudly with the crowd while watching Retro Stefson, Beach House and YACHT last night might not have been the best idea, ha. No worries, the show must go on… I’ll just go make a pot of tea, and rest my voice until the show. Wish me luck! If you want to check out my performance, part of it will be recorded on! So exciting! Talk soon,


That’s right, not only will the winner get a trip to Iceland, the six day adventure entails a visit to the flagship store in Reykjavik to choose some new Nikita gear, a look-see at Nikita HQ to meet everyone including founder and head designer Heida Birgisdottir, party with the crew (no mean feat in itself), go snowboarding with them, enjoy a soak at the hazy Blue Lagoon and attend the AK Extreme festival of snowboard and music mayhem where the likes of homegrown talents and global gob smackers Halldor
Helgason and Gulli Gudmundsson
will most likely be riding once again. The event is held in the north of Iceland in a town called Akureyri. To enter all you need to do is take a photo of yourself in Nikita Outerwear (past or present) and upload it to the Nikita contest website between 10th October 2011 to 10th January 2012. There will be a microsite running on the website featuring details about the comp, where your photos will also be visible to others. The winner will be chosen by Nikita and announced on 1st February 2012. Follow the rules: you must be female, over 18 years of age, hold a valid passport and be available to make the trip next year, 11th – 16th April 2012. So be prepared for many good times from which many good stories will follow. If you’re looking to buy Nikita Outerwear this coming winter season, watch out for the special hangtags detailing entry.

Contest Starts: 10th October 2011
Contest Ends: 10th January 2012
Winner announced: 1st February 2012
Trip will take place: 11th – 16th April 2012
Take a photo of yourself in Nikita Outerwear and upload it to: NIKITA Clothing –
Extra Streetwear and Outerwear prizes will be given out every month!
You will be going here – AK Extreme –

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