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Salad Days Magazine | March 13, 2025

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Pro skateboarder Terry Kennedy featured in latest episode of The Natural High online film series

Pro Skateboarder Terry Kennedy Featured In Latest Episode of The Natural High Online Film Series

The latest episode of The Natural High online film series is now up at:
This episode focuses on pro skateboarder/musician/entrepreneur/reality tv star, Terry Kennedy. Past episodes have featured The Hills’ Lauren Conrad, pro surfer Dillon Perillo, Cassadee Pope of Hey Monday and Mark Capicotto founder of the Glamour Kills clothing line (full interview on SALAD DAYS MAG ISSUE 4). Terry Kennedy is the newest celebrity whose anti-drug PSA is being featured on NATURALHIGH.TV, an online film series that uses celebrities, bands, and professional athletes as messengers to inspire youth to choose a Natural High and reject drugs. Kennedy defines his personal story through the backbone of his family and constant engagement with his youth audience. He is multi-successful through his clothing line and rap group both named Fly Society, sneaker line Supra Footwear, and own reality series on BET, “Being Terry Kennedy.” The Natural High Online Series focuses on the heart of Terry’s stardom, his Natural High of skateboarding. Amidst his well known brand identity, he has a real life testimonial that demands respect. Terry lost his very own mother to drugs just after he found his Natural High, skateboarding. “A lot of me wanted to cry but I remember not shedding a tear, I knew it was coming”, he reveals. Despite his mom’s embarrassing hardcore drug abuse, his dad’s absence, and even the stereotyping he tolerated from family and friends, he stayed committed to skateboarding. Kennedy grew up in Long Beach, CA, humbled by the commotion of street life; he knew at a very early age that his neighborhood was not going to hand him success. “The opportunities my block would’ve handed me were either dead, in jail, or on drugs the rest of my life.” Kennedy started skateboarding at Long Beach’s Cherry Park at age 15 as an alternative to drugs and gangs. “Skateboarding touched me; it was a peace of mind. It brought me to a new world, it kept me away from my neighborhood,” said Kennedy. Sadly, he watched fellow skaters and close friends give up on their dreams because of the pressures of gang violence and drug use that some neighborhoods in Long Beach, Compton, and Inglewood have to offer. Kennedy refers to himself often as the mogul in the making, but he is truly a walking advocate inspiring youth. The raw sincerity you hear in Kennedy’s voice inspires youth to prevail out of these situations and stay true to what they believe in. “If I came up here being Terry Kennedy doing drugs, these kids would be embarrassed,” he says. Kennedy has since moved out of Long Beach and now lives with his grandmother who took on the parenting role for him. He understands the value of like-minded people and importance of pushing himself. “I could’ve stayed in my neighborhood or stayed on my skateboard and pushed past my neighborhood.” The Natural High superstar is carefully balancing many successes, and continues to find his peace of mind on a skateboard. Catch up with him on BET or shop his music and clothing line at his boutique “District 8″ in Long Beach, CA. View the film at WWW.NATURALHIGH.TV

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