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Salad Days Magazine | March 22, 2025

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Nike celebra il Go Skateboarding Day – intervista a Sean Malto

Nike celebra il Go Skateboarding Day – intervista a Sean Malto
Salad Days

Dal suo debutto nel 2004, quando era una sessione di skate nel sud della California, il Go Skateboarding Day (21 giugno) si è trasformato in un evento globale…

…al quale aderiscono skateboarder di tutte le età e di tutti i livelli. L’obiettivo della giornata è quello di incoraggiare gli atleti ad uscire con il loro skate ed è sostenuta dall’atleta Nike SB Sean Malto. Nike SB presenta in tutto il mondo attività relative al Go Skateboarding Day che punta ad ispirare e attivare le future generazioni di skateboarder.


Nike SB Go Skateboarding Day Sean Malto Interview

What does Go Skateboarding Day mean to you? Why is it an important day for the skate community?
SM: Go Skateboarding Day is important because it celebrates this love and passion that we all share. I skate every day and a lot of skateboarders skate as much as they possibly can. But it’s still nice to have a day when we can all high-five and recognize how amazing this thing called skateboarding is.

When did you start celebrating Go Skateboarding Day?
I started skating when I was ten and ever since then, when Go Skateboarding Day came around, it was always like, “Oh my God, Go Skateboarding Day”. There were always events and things to look forward to. It was just the day when you could count on all of your friends going out together.

Do you have any favorite memories from Go Skateboarding Day of years past?
I just love getting together with my friends. My favorite memories stem from being home in Kansas City, celebrating the day with my childhood friends who may not skate as much now because they’re caught up with other things in life. But on Go Skateboarding Day, we can all skate together again. Those ones are special for me. Of course now, with Nike, I get to participate in events around the world that encourage kids to get out and skate on the day. And I love doing that. But it also means that I haven’t been home for Go Skateboarding Day in about two years. But the most recent one I was home for is probably the one that stands out the most for me.

Go Skateboarding Day enables amateur skateboarders to skate right alongside professionals. Do you enjoy this interaction?
The thing that I have always loved about skateboarding is that it’s so accessible. There aren’t security guards or a fence or a court that separates professionals from amateurs. It is always just your skill level inside the skate park. That always inspired me to skate with people who were better than me and people who were professionals when I wasn’t. I love that about it. And on Go Skateboarding Day, I’m lucky enough to now skate with kids who were once in my shoes. I can be like, “Hey, we’re going to go skate, and this is going to be fun, and it’s not a competition. It’s just a celebration.” It’s nice to give back that way. Kids inspire me, as well. Sometimes I’ll go out and I’ll see kids skate and I’ll be like, “Man, this is amazing.” It’s so awesome that no matter who you are or what you’re doing or what your actual job is, you can come together with other skateboarders on this day and share your love for the sport.

Why is it to so important to get out there and skate every day?
Skating has always provided balance in my life. Mentally, physically, emotionally – when I get out and skate, that day turns into a good day. Also, as in any sport, you can lose things quickly. You lose tricks, you lose confidence. So it’s good to skate every day to stay polished and on top of your game – to keep progressing instead of taking steps backwards.

What would your ideal Go Skateboarding Day be? Who would you skate with? Where would you skate?
My ideal Go Skateboarding Day would just be to have all of my friends in one place and skate. I’d mix that with the Go Skateboarding Days that Nike makes possible. Some of the guys that skate with us – Guy Mariano and Eric Koston, for example – are legends that I’ve looked up to, so it is always special to go skate with them. So I think the perfect Go Skateboarding Day would be to skate with people that I’ve
looked up to in the past and all my friends, just all in one spot, barbecue and just have a good time.

If you had a message for young skateboarders on Go Skateboarding Day, what would that message be?
I would just say to take that day to have fun and recognize how awesome skateboarding is. It’s an incredible hobby or an incredible sport. Whatever you want to call it, skateboarding is awesome. So I’d want them to recognize that and just be happy to have a day to just be able to go skate.

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