Mixtape – Jacopo Picozza
Jacopo Picozza, from Murder Clothing skateboard team is the MIXTAPE starring of this week…5 bullets of his finest selecta; Jacky well known inside the team as ‘Er Paperetta’ is guided by his own style; he tried to be anarchist, but loves so much fashion. Doesn’t need to be a walking ad for some major, he wears the face he got: we had a full interview on SALAD DAYS MAG #3 (www.saladdaysmag.com) with him, and actually Jacopo accepted to become the 1st SALAD DAYS MAG testimonial. So chicks outta there: BE WARNING! This boy loves you all…
1) Anti-Cimex – War Machine
2) Frammenti – Quello Che Ho
3) Bob Dylan – Hurricane
4) Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Whatever Happened To My Rock’n'Roll
5) Digitalism – Pogo
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