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Salad Days Magazine | December 22, 2024

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‘Dias Uht A Piece Of’ [Napoli Graffiti lovers since 1995]

‘Dias Uht A Piece Of’ [Napoli Graffiti lovers since 1995]
Salad Days

‘Dias Uht A Piece Of’ è un estratto originale di un film / documentario girato a Napoli nel 2005.

La pellicola mostra l’universo dei Graffiti e documenta tutto ciò che ruota attorno alle vite dei protagonisti che fanno parte di una crew di writer tra le più longeve e prolifiche in circolazione: Dias Uht. Da più di 20 anni, la crew, dipinge sui sistemi ferroviari nazionali ed internazionali che attraverso le gesta e lo stile dei suoi componenti, è diventata tra le realtà di Graffiti più interessanti nel panorama europeo.

‘Dias Uht A Piece Of’ is an original extract of a film / documentary shot in Naples back in 2005. The film shows the world of Graffiti and documents the driving factors around the lives of the protagonists that are part of a crew of Graffiti writers among the most longevity and proletarians in circulation: Dias Uht. For more than 20 years, the crew has been painting on national and international railway systems which, through the actions and style of its components, has become one of the most interesting graffiti realities in the European scene.


This channel is a publisher committed to documenting the Graffiti culture world wide. We do not condone, promote or encourage vandalism, the destruction of property or any kind of illegal activity whether it be public or private. All photos and/or videos published without a name and credited photographer were sent to us anonymously.

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