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Salad Days Magazine | March 28, 2025

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Bent Metal Binding Works adds Sean Genovese to the Team

Bent Metal Binding Works adds Sean Genovese to the Team
Salad Days

Bent Metal Binding Works is proud to officially announce Sean Genovese to the BMBW team!

In the war of industry B.S., Sean Genovese remains steadily a conscientious objector. Forever true to his vision, whether it be his art, his brand direction of Dinosaurs Will Die Snowboards, the tricks he does, the movies he edits, the products he endorses, the music he listens to, or the books he reads. Everything is true, everything is as sick as it get’s and pure Geno. That’s why it’s especially exciting to be working, again, so closely with Sean the artist, the rider and the cultural influencer. Throughout a decade plus of Think Thank videos, Geno only put out iconic A-grade footage, culminating in his two song ender of the Dino Team Vid. Geno terrorizes the streets and backcountry with his signature style and creative ethos, putting out a seminal statement that will stand the test of time. Check out the video and get ready for some exciting Genovese x BMBW collaborations to come!

(Courtesy of

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