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Salad Days Magazine | December 21, 2024

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What’s Up Dudes – Photo Exhibition @ Flame Shop Casteo – 6 Dicembre

What’s Up Dudes – Photo Exhibition @ Flame Shop Casteo – 6 Dicembre
Salad Days

What’s Up Dudes é una mostra fotografica fatta da skaters che stanno dietro all’obiettivo.

Perché farla in un skateshop? Perché gli skateshop sono ancora il punto d’incontro dei rider, amici che tra una birra e una chiacchiera riescono a sviluppare dei progetti. Fotografie e presentazione booklet di: Ramon Zuliani, Riccardo Ceccato, Claudio Majorana, Fabio Montagner e Federico Tognoli. Prima tappa al Flame Shop a Castelfranco Veneto (Tv). A Gennaio a Brescia dagli amici di Frisco Shop. Vi aspettiamo domenica 6.

instagram mostra flame 1

What’s Up Dudes is a photography exhibition made by skateboarders who stay behind the lens. Why are we doing it inside a skateshop? Because skateshops still represent a meeting point for riders and friends who want to work on new projects between a chat and some beers. Booklet presentation and pictures by: Ramon Zuliani, Riccardo Ceccato, Claudio Majorana, Fabio Montagner and Federico Tognoli. First exhibition at Flame Shop a Castelfranco Veneto (Tv). Next stop on January at Frisco Shop Brescia. See you on Sunday 6.

Flame Shop Casteo – Borgo Pieve, 31, 31033 Castelfranco Veneto (Tv)

What’s up Dudes.
Skateshops are still places that gather the skate culture or at least are meeting points for all of us. As a matter of fact some of us have only met once inside the skateshop where we decided to hang these pictures. Some others have been close friends for many years. But let’s take a few steps back. Once again is all about skateboarding and how it brings and keeps together people hailing from different places. And it’s about the skate sessions, the film cameras, life in the Italian Peninsula, a beer with somebody you haven’t seen in years, the new shoes you will skate with, a sign on your grip tape or maybe the sound of a text message on your phone saying “Where have you been? Let’s meet up soon!”. The time spent together, short or long, was good enough to make us want to keep in touch over the past years. It’s just what happens every time skateboarding allows you in. The idea behind What’s up Dudes was not about asking “How are you doing?”. It was more about “We are the Dudes that make this kind of things on what’s up”. We mean the app.

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