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Salad Days Magazine | September 8, 2024

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Zero Boys announce new EP

Zero Boys announce new EP
Salad Days

Zero Boys EP ‘Hollywood’ available on November 17th, 2014!

Songs written by original Zero Boys guitarist Terry “Hollywood” Howe. “On the night of Terry‘s death, I woke to the sound of a buzz saw in my living room. I rushed to see what was going on and realized I was hearing the opening chords of ‘Vicious Circle’ coming from my stereo speakers. I examined the CD player and realized it was not turned on. I knew without a doubt Terry was saying goodbye and telling me to never stop believing in the energy of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Terry left behind many songs. A few months ago we decided to look through his catalog and record some of them. This Zero Boys release celebrates the life of a good friend and a true unsung guitar hero.” – Paul-Z


ZERO BOYS NETWORK · 308 S Buckner St · Bloomington, IN 47403 · USA

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